photos for wikipedia articles

Hi all, there has been a flurry of activity in improving Wikipedia articles and I have been involved..and we need some photos…

To release photos for Wikipedia, they have to be licenced for commercial use, which many photographers are (justifiably) uncomfortable with.

What I am hoping is that some people are happy to release “offcuts” . . . → Read More: photos for wikipedia articles

birders and the sharing economy, Open State Festival, South Australia.

Good morning all

I’m forwarding the following information on South Australia’s Open State Festival from Marianna Sigala, professor of tourism, University of SA. I’m one of the speakers.

The title of my presentation is “Back to the basics: Aboriginal values (trans)-forming the Sharing tourism economy in the 21st century”. This lecture is relevant to birders . . . → Read More: birders and the sharing economy, Open State Festival, South Australia.