Walkerville pics

Hi all,

Just returned from a short trip down to Walkerville, Cape Liptrap Coastal Park and Waratah Bay in southern Vic.

It was great to see the heath in excellent condition, with Southern Emu-wren, Beautiful Firetail, Brush Bronzewing and Blue-winged Parrot all plentiful. In the wooded gullies I managed to track down Brush Cuckoo, Rufous Fantail, Olive Whistler and I even heard a Black-faced Monarch calling which is a little unusual for down there. Satin Flycatcher was common in the wooded hillside in Walkerville South.

Unfortunately I sighted no less than 6 foxes, so much still has to be done to continue to control this pest.

If anyone is interested I have a few pics up on my site:


Then go to January. There are also a few new pics from WTP in DecemberŠ

Thanks, Greg


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