WA trip report

I have recently come back from 13 days in WA (Perth-Cheyne Beach-Cape Leeuwin- Perth-Monkey Mia) with some friends. Despite some fairly wet and windy weather we found most of the birds we were after, although we dipped on Rock Parrot and Tropicbird. The trip report is at http://www.boca.org.au/come-birding/trip-reports/34-west-australia/274-wa-sept-2011-dave-torr-et-al ===============================

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2 comments to WA trip report

  • "Rosemary Royle"

    We certainly saw no sign of them this time last year, on two visits.


  • John Graff

    G’day Dave,

    Nice report, sounds like you had a decent trip. It might interest you (& others planning a similar trip) to know that the Red-tailed Tropicbird colony at Sugarloaf Rock appears all but abandoned, so it’s not surprising that you dipped! The number of birds using the colony fell for a while, then for the past few years no birds bred there at all as far as I know. A single bird was reported a couple of times in the area last year, so you may be lucky, but unfortunately at present I don’t think it can be called a reliable site anymore (although I’d love to be corrected!)

    Cheers, John


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