“Twitchers – a very British Obsession” (Brit TV documentary)

Simon Mustoe has described the above television programme as “compelling”. Well perhaps – in the sense that any birder would watch vultures with blood covered heads tearing into a carcass and fighting other vultures in the process. In fairness to the twitchers featured, no doubt a lot of the footage and interviews was/were left on the editing floor. It is unlikely to have converted anybody to our shared passion. If you wish to preserve the belief that twitching can be merely one element of a birder’s overall interest, and can be engaged in by well rounded persons with a sense of humour, then do NOT acquire a copy of the programme. Or, not until you’ve read Sean Dooley’s “The Big Twitch” or Mark Cocker’s equally entertaining UK book “Birders – Tales of a Tribe”. They both delightfully remind us that obsession is not inconsistent with a sense of fun or even of warmth towards other humans. Angus Innes. ============================== To unsubscribe from this mailing list, send the message: unsubscribe (in the body of the message, with no Subject line) to: birding-aus-request@vicnet.net.au

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1 comment to “Twitchers – a very British Obsession” (Brit TV documentary)

  • Carl Clifford


    With a bit of luck Aunty might pick the program up for next year.


    Carl Clifford

    Simon Mustoe has described the above television programme as “compelling”. Well perhaps – in the sense that any birder would watch vultures with blood covered heads tearing into a carcass and fighting other vultures in the process. In fairness to the twitchers featured, no doubt a lot of the footage and interviews was/were left on the editing floor. It is unlikely to have converted anybody to our shared passion. If you wish to preserve the belief that twitching can be merely one element of a birder’s overall interest, and can be engaged in by well rounded persons with a sense of humour, then do NOT acquire a copy of the programme. Or, not until you’ve read Sean Dooley’s “The Big Twitch” or Mark Cocker’s equally entertaining UK book “Birders – Tales of a Tribe”. They both delightfully remind us that obsession is not inconsistent with a sense of fun or even of warmth towards other humans. Angus Innes. ============================== To unsubscribe from this mailing list, send the message: unsubscribe (in the body of the message, with no Subject line) href=”mailto:birding-aus-request@vicnet.net.au”>birding-aus-request@vicnet.net.au

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    To unsubscribe from this mailing list, send the message: unsubscribe (in the body of the message, with no Subject line) href=”mailto:birding-aus-request@vicnet.net.au”>birding-aus-request@vicnet.net.au

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