Hey all,
In July this year, Dad, my younger brother and I will be heading up to Iron Range for just over a week. I realise this is a fair way off, but I’d like any information people have on sites between Laura and Portland Roads (Iron Range). Our itinerary follows this route: Fly to Cairns (from Sydney) – Stay at KFP Julatten (1 night) – Stay at Musgrave Roadhouse (1 night) – Stay at Gordon Creek campground in Iron Range (3 nights) – Stay at Musgrave Roadhouse (1 night) – Stay at KFP Julatten (1 night) – catch plane back to Sydney. It does sound like a fairly short trip which is why I intend to gather as much information as possible in order to make the most of my time spent in this extraordinary region. I would greatly appreciate ANY information on birds and sites anywhere in the region, most specifically, info on the Cape York specialties.
Thanks in advance!
Kindest regards,
Max Breckenridge, Gladesville, Sydney…
P.S. Could someone forward me the owner’s of Artemis Station (Tom & Sue?) email address? Cheers. ===============================
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Hi GregI saw a couple of SWD on a little dirty pond in Oasis Drive at Wonga Beach, back in January last year. They have been seen there a lot, but move around a bit. Best advice is to check eBird for the most recent sightings – for example, they've been seen on the Daintree River Boat Cruise (flying overhead) and at Keatings Lagoon in Cooktown – several records for each spot this month.Good luck with theM!CheersRussellOn Thu, 18 Aug 2022 at 06:49, Greg Little <greg@gff.com.au> wrote: