Magenta Petrel sighted off Kiama

Hello all, Details below of last Saturday’s Magenta Petrel on SOSSA’s Kiama pelagic trip. About 1pm we were running back in to the shelf from deeper water when I noticed the undulating flight of a pterodroma approaching the boat from behind and about 60-80m to the side. Nearing the boat it showed its underside revealing a “Tahiti” like fully dark head and pure white from the chest to a completely white undertail. I yelled out, “What’s this petrel.” Lindsay Smith was standing near me and also has good views once he got onto it. I then yelled, “This looks like a Magenta.” It then ran low across the water and into the glare of the sun. At this time others on board picked up the dark gray colouring on the head and some upperparts, which is vital in separating this species from Pheonix Petrel. It then continued its undulating flight across the front of the boat and was lost sight of. Lindsay Smith said at the time,”I’m thinking it was what Richard said, Magenta.” Unfortunately, as we were running back in, with the spray blinds down on the same side, many people were sitting in the dry section of the boat and inside. Only about six of us saw it. No photos were taken. It was a very distinctive bird and a BARC submission will be submitted. Cheers Richard Sent from my iPhone

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