This morning I had two Lewin’s Rails calling in tall creekside grass at North Arm, on the Sunshine Coast. The species has been seen in this area recently by Henry Nix and others. I have had Pale-vented Bush-hen at this site on several occasions. Two Buff-banded Rails were also seen this morning. I’ve seen Lewin’s Rail on the coast and in the hinterland now in a variety of habitats including wet creekside grasses, lantana thickets, wallum heath and roadside grasses. Greg Roberts ===============================
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Greg, your blog says “The rails are seen easily because they are inside lantana thickets”. I’m not familiar with lantana, how does it make them easy to see? Is it sparse enough too see them but dense enough for them to feel safe? Peter Shute Sent from my iPad =============================== To unsubscribe from this mailing list, send the message: unsubscribe (in the body of the message, with no Subject line) ===============================