Bird sounds online, public, freely downloadable…..

Hi – The 3-4 big online collections of bird recordings are:

Xeno-Canto -(summary for Australia here: ….overall >9000 birds species globally, but only 349 species covered in Australia). These are downloadable as MP3 files. They were uploaded by birdwatchers, scientists, ornithologists etc. Nice maps.

AVOCET (see below from David Adams, 2009, They were uploaded by birdwatchers, scientists, ornithologists)

IBC (Internet Bird Collection, , 4000 species plus covered with sound, also photos, videos etc:They were uploaded by birdwatchers, scientists, ornithologists etc)

Macauley Library, Cornell University:…. They were uploaded by birdwatchers, scientists, ornithologists etc.

Australian birds are relatively poorly covered in Xeno-Canto, and most of the recordings of Aust birds were contributed by citizens from other nations.



Wow: Large collection of downloadable bird songs now online

from [David Adams] [Permanent Link][Original]




Wow: Large collection of downloadable bird songs now online


David Adams


Thu, 9 Dec 2010 17:57:58 +1100

I’ve just seen a few articles mentioning that a huge new database of birds songs from around the world has gone online. The site is at:

Below are links to a few articles:

The page below summarizes the recordings they’ve got from various countries:

224 are listed from Australia for 91 species. Unfortunately, I haven’t figured out of there is a way to search by location/country.

The current collection is pretty heavily skewed towards Asia as that’s Pam Rasmussen’s area of expertise, but some other countries have pretty good coverage outside of Asia. Pam Rasmussen seems to be in charge of the project – she’s got a really fascinating history and career. The New Yorker had a good piece on her a few years back. =============================== ===============================

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