2016 Victorian Twitchathon (5/6 Nov 2016)

Hi all you conservation-minded race fans,

It’s that time of year again! The Victorian Twitchathon is back! And this
time we’re running in conjunction with national results and prizes.

In Victoria, this year, we are aiming to help our shorebirds, and to assist
with the Shorebirds 2020 program (see

As you know, many of our shorebirds are in major decline and they need
help! For instance, over the last 25 years of monitoring migratory
shorebirds in Australia some species such as the Curlew Sandpiper have
decreased by 50-80%! The Curlew Sandpiper is now considered critically
endangered federally (see
birdlife.org.au/bird-profile/curlew-sandpiper). The Shorebirds 2020
Program aims to provide reliable data on shorebird declines and the factors
that cause it. Without this information we cannot protect shorebirds and
their habitats effectively in Australia or on their migration route.

So, once again, dust down those binoculars, polish up on your
identification skills, talk to your birding friends, and get your team
together! The Birdlife Victoria Twitchathon will be held on the weekend of
5 and 6 November 2016, the week after its lead in event, the Melbourne Cup.
Get your entries form in for 2016 Twitchathon now!

There’s three main events in 2016. A 24-hr race, and new categories for
Victoria, the 12-hr race, and a Birdathon. Entering is easy. Simply contact
me and I will provide you with details about how to register. You can ring
or message me on 0448801674 or email me at dolby.timothy@gmail.com.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. So, for the
benefit of our threatened shorebirds and the chance to have some fantastic
birding fun, get involved!


Tim Dolby
Twitchathon Coordinator

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