White-rumped Sandpiper

The WRP was present and allowed excellent views for over two hours today(Thursday) at noon. It was happy roosting on the sand when I left. It was found in the same spot as previously reported. It was associating with a group of Red-capped plovers and Red-necked stints. Thank you to all of those kind people who sent me these directions. Just a note for anyone who plans to look for it, I was very surprised at how small this sandpiper is, not much larger than a stint. So you will need to check out each small wader and don’t assume it is the size of a sharpie. Regards Bernie OKeefe Sent from my iPhone Bernard O’Keefe Applied Learning Coordinator Caroline Chisholm Catholic College 204 Churchill Avenue, Braybrook. 3019 T: 03 9296 5311 | F: 03 9296 5381 E: b.okeefe@cccc.vic.edu.au W: www.cccc.vic.edu.au ————————————————————– This Email and any attachments may be confidential and, if you are not the intended recipient, you must not disclose or use the information in this mail. If received in error, please notify us immediately and delete the Email and all copies. Caroline Chisholm Catholic College does not guarantee that this Email is virus or error free. The attached files are provided and may only be used on the basis that the user assumes all responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the attached files, whether caused by the negligence of the sender or not. The content and opinions in this Email are not necessarily those of Caroline Chisholm Catholic College.

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