Welcome Swallow feeding clarification

Hi all,

I have had a couple of emails asking me to clarify what I mean by “sub-surface” prey and feeding.

What I mean is that the prey being taken was not AT nor was any part of the prey breaking or extending above the surface of the water. This is explained in my blog (click link below my name) in more detail.

The prey being taken was swimming, or suspended, in the water column at depth of between 2 mm and 20 mm below the point where any part of its body would break the surface. I have not tried this before but it may show graphically in an email thus:

*Air*_____________________________ Surface of the water Water _____________________________ Depth of water between here and surface between 2mm minimum and 20 mm maximum Prey species were being taken from below this depth.

What I am trying to emphasise is that no portion of the prey was breaking the surface of the water when it was captured.


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