Hello all, I’ve just uploaded a 12min video (You Tube) clip from our recent trip to Australia’s Heard Island. The clip includes photos of: Blue Petrel Soft-Plumaged Petrel South Georgian Diving-Petrel White-headed Petrel Light-mantled Sooty Albatross Black-faced Sheathbill Antarctic Prions in the surf Southern Fulmar in a blizzard Grey-headed Albatross Grey Petrel
as well as video of the Heard Island coastline, Mawson Peak, King Penguins, Black-faced Sheathbill, giant petrels feeding on a dead seal, underwater videos and a few clips of the sea conditions we experienced.
I can’t seem to get the link to come through to Birding-Aus. The easiest way to find it is to:
Type ‘Heard Island with Richard Baxter” into Google and it should come up.
Cheers Richard ===============================
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Thanks Richard, It worked beautifully….thanks v much for sharing
Regards, Peter Madvig