tour of the mallee

Hi all,

First I’d like to thank Tim Bawden, Tim Dolby, Trevor Cowie, Peter Erwin, and Peter Waanders for responding to my Birding Aus request and giving assistance. I should have clarified that our trip was not to Gluepot, but focused on other mallee areas. We had four days total and spent nights at Chowilla (SA), Hattah (Vic), and Scotia (NSW). We recorded 102 species in the mallee, salt bush, and some very brief looks at wetlands. Not bad I reckon for the semi-arid country! Granted, these are exceptionally wet times.


Little Button-quail: flushed birds at Hattah and Maria saw one on the ground in Scotia

Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo: fantastic looks at five vocal birds fending off dives from a hobby at Scotia

Regent Parrot: great views of a group perched in a river red gum at Hattah lake-also saw two groups in flight in mallee near temporary pond

Mallee Emu-wren: wonderful views of a few groups in Hattah

Pied Honeyeater: great look at a pair at Scotia

Grey-fronted Honeyeater: awesome look at a few in Scotia-could even see the grey front!

Orange Chat: two females in saltbush on road from Chowilla to Wentworth

Little Eagle: great look at one in Hattah

White-browed Treecreeper: 2 near Scotia

Pink-eared Duck: 4 in Scotia

Also heaps of budgies, probably 5000 white-browed woodswallows, and several groups of Cockatiels and Zebra Finches. Dipped on Malleefowl (Scotia) and Apostlebird (Hattah).

Good birding,

Bert ===============================

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