State of Australia’s ‘at-risk’ birds

Hi all, Some may have seen the reports in some of the mainstream media (at least the Age and Sydney Morning Herald) last week about the dire state of many of our Australian birds. These articles were reporting on an international Conference held in Canada looking at the state of the world’s birds.

The articles stated that we currently have 20 “Birds” (it sometimes referred to species, but was sometimes more vague than that), which are presently listed as Critically Endangered. Could anyone tell me which those species/sub-species/races are, and on which list I can find them? The only list I’ve been able to find has 6 avian taxa (species or subspecies) listed for Australia, though contacts have referred me to others which may list up to 10. If the figure of 20 is correct, then the situation is even more serious than had been presumed (which is certainly bad enough), and the RATE of decline is especially alarming.

Thanks in advance for any advice and assistance people can give.

Cheers John Tongue Ulverstone, Tas. ===============================

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