Dear Birders, Walking in the KNP today we flushed a pair of snipe – presumably Latham’s. The birds were seen in snow grass and alpine heath near the ruins of Foreman’s Hut upstream of the confluence of the Snowy River and Club Lake Creek. Seemed like a strange place to find them. Regards Peter
Peter Crispin Marsh (02) 9810 4264 0414 810 426 ===============================
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Hi Peter,
I saw a pair in reeds at Three Mile Dam (altitude about 1600 m), near Mt Selwyn in January 2008.
Carl Weber
g’Day Peter
In the late 1960’s I used to work for Forests Commission assessments division and in spring and summer, Japanese Snipe were frequently found in sub alpine heathlands. Particularly common in higher heathland areas near Poweltown Victoria. Interestingly Blue-winged Parrots were also often seen in the same habitat areas.
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I saw one at Dinner Plain in Victoria about this time last year. P&K says “sea level to alpine bogs over 2000m” in the habitat notes.
Peter Shute