Scopes and Binoculars

Hi Jenny,

Scopes and binoculars tend to be a personal matter and then of course there is your budget, I highly recommend trying out binoculars as what is right for one person may not work for another. The best way to do this is go to a shop that carries a good range and is happy to let you try them out. you might get them a few $ cheaper from an overseas source, but you don’t get the assistance and service backup provided by the local dealers. Magnification is also very much a personal matter the most common being 8x and 10x with perhaps more people preferring the 8x. Something in the range of 8×32 to 10×42 is most common, the choice depending on how much weight you are prepared to carry. You will have a choice of roof and porro prism as well, most high end binos are roof prism (straight barrel style) at the low end of price range the porro prism binos are likely to be better quality as roof prisms are more costly to make well. As price goes up you get features like waterproof and nitrogen filled and better optics and build quality

Decent quality binos will start at around $250 and go as high as $3k plus. There are some reasonable porro prisms in 8×40 for around $250, a lot of people like the Nikon Monachs for around $450 in 8x 42. Swarovski have just released an economy line going for about $1100 in 8×30. The Leica 8x32s Ultravid HDs are about $2200 and they go up from there.

Bintel has a good range of binoculars and they are happy to help you find the best for you., they are in Glebe.


Chris Ross


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