Hi everyone,
The response I recently received from fellow birding-ausers who had the most beautiful photographs made me so glad that I had summoned the courage to put out a request for help with images of small woodland mammals which I wanted to incorporate into an illustration for a local community project of a woodland plant community incorporating all creatures great and small that may have belonged here before European settlement. The pressure was really on at that stage but thankfully now I’m allowed to spend whatever time is necessary to do the work justice. I’ll post an image of the final artwork to everyone as a pdf once it’s completed.
The group have asked whether I could do another sign which gives information about Silver Banksia (Banksia marginata) in the natural landscape and the garden. I’ve done the research for the text but I’m just wondering whether anyone has any images which show animals (birds and mammals) feeding or nesting in this plant or relate to the plants’ response to fire.?
(I’ve been wondering whether I might resort to bribing my two pet red wattlebirds to pose for me but, while I can draw and paint beautifully, my photography skills (and the camera) are nothing compared to the skills of the people who replied to my request the other day and my birds tend to be more excited about the potential of my hair as nesting material than posing in the bouquets I bring them to supplement their Wombaroo.) I hope I am not pushing my luck by asking for help a second time but would love to make the sign as meaningful and engaging visually as I can and would acknowledge any images used that are not my own. Can anyone help?
Alex Randell, Barossa Valley SA.
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