Hi Mike,
I recorded WTNTs flying over the north-western slope of Transit Hill on Lord
Howe Island during two recent bird flight path survey periods (21-25
February 2016 and 14-18 March 2016).
1st Observation:
25 February 2016, 0545 – 0610 h: 18 individuals travelling in a northerly
direction in front of a weak storm front (no rain). Flying low & circling
over the slope, ranging 10 – 30 m in altitude (m above ground level), as
they slowly moved northwards.
2nd Observation:
16 March 2016, 1510 – 1525 h: at least 8 individuals travelling in
north-easterly direction in front of storm front. Flying low & circling
over the slope, ranging 2 – 20 m in altitude, as they slowly moved
north-east. Heavy rain followed soon after, lasting c. 30 min (1530 – 1600
3rd Observation:
17 March 2016, 1620 – 1715 h: at least 12 individuals travelling in
south-westerly direction in front of weak storm front (no rain). Flying low
& circling over the slope, ranging 1 – 30 m in altitude, as they slowly
moved south-west.
Co-ordinates for all three observations: Latitude: 31 deg 31.8 sec South;
Longitude: 159 deg 4.5 sec East.
Kind regards,
Dr Stephen Ambrose
Principal Ornithologist
Ambrose Ecological Services Pty Ltd
Ryde, NSW
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