
Dear Rob,

The strawberry story and its corollary with other fruit and veg is one of the worst things I have ever heard, and along with the Council’s unconscionable brushing it under the table is depressing to say the least.

Where I am in Isolation on the Central Coast at present my IPhone server is out of range and this response delayed.
But although that kind of story will be common knowledge to most relevant authorities, the $ return on a punnet of strawberries simply outweighs that of watching a family of Fairy Wrens through the kitchen window.

How can this kind of atrocity be publicised, again and again and again.

Cornell University’s Autumn 2019 “Living Bird” magazine has a fourteen page article on 2.9 million birds lost to the USA over the last 50 Years and possible reasons.

Boils down to too many people.

Best Wishes

Michael Hunter

PS. YTBlack Cockatoos are calling here at Avoca Beach today, first in forty intermittent years, although common in Mulgoa Valley.
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Sent from my iPhone

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