Paradise Shelduck – Bushells Lagoon (Western Sydney)

Hi all,
Great views today of the male Paradise Shelduck at Bushells Lagoon (Western Sydney) in the area across the field to the right of the shed….
I was there at 1.00pm and parked next to the shed.
I then walked the length of the causeway (to end) and didn’t see the bird.
Upon returning to the shed (which was on my left) I walked behind the shed and saw the Paradise Shelduck hanging out with a couple of Black Swans.
It was actually calling softly for the entire time I was there observing (25 mins) which I assume was an alarm.
Is this bird confirmed as being wild and not from a private collection (illegal collection)?
CheersCharles Hunter
Bronte, NSW

From: keith brandwood <>
To: birding-aus <>
Sent: Wednesday, 13 April 2016, 7:44
Subject: [Birding-Aus] Paradise Shelduck

The Paradise Shelduck is still hanging out at Bushels as of 6.30am today.
Keith Brandwood
the beautiful Hawkesbury 60km N/W Sydney

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