On 04/11/2011, at 11:00 AM, birding-aus-request@lists.vicnet.net.au wrote:
For the past few nights we’ve heard pale-vented bush-hens calling at Running Creek, almot 18km southeast of Rathdowney, a few km before the road becomes Lions Rd)
I’ve never knowingly heard them here before, and have lived here over 30 years
Ronda Green, BSc(Hons) PhD Araucaria Ecotours http://www.learnaboutwildlife.com platypuscorner@bigpond.com ph 61 7 5544 1283 Visit us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AraucariaEcotours
Chair Wildlife Tourism Australia: http://wildlifetourism.org.au Chair Scenic Rim Wildlife: http://scenicrim.wildlife.org.au/ Honorary research fellow Griffith University
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