Dear All,
I am pleased to announce the availability of the second module of the Shorebird Mapping Project of WorldWaders. The first one, for nesting shorebird mapping, has been introduced a month ago and had a nice start. Now the Beta version of the Non-breeding Shorebird Mapping Project is online. We encourage everyone to have a try and use it on a regular basis. Lets us see where our loved group of birds move in large numbers to identify unidentified key sites for their better protection.
Please login with your WorldWaders account and try it now: If you don’t have an account it is better to make one now. WorldWaders has a very simple registration process. Just visit this link:
We don’t say this module is 100% perfect but we are on it to be. Should you find an error or bug, please let us know. Looking forward to hear your comments and feedback.
Kind regards, Gyorgy Szimuly (Szimi)/WorldWaders __________ Website: Hungary Project enquiry: Skype: Facebook:
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