Night Parrot Sighting great find but please dont trespass trying to find one

Night Parrot Sighting.

Not wishing to rain on anyone’s parade as it is a great find, but I spotted Night Parrots in the mid 1980’s in the upper North East Simpson Desert, just wasn’t a birder then so didn’t actually know what I was looking at, we referred to them as “King Budgies” there were many pairs of them, they are around, just only seen after rain in that area.

Many people like me see them, just cant ID them! After-all it is sparsely populated country and birders are even sparser!

I do hope this sighting does not create a rush into their territory, remember most of the lands they inhabit are private property, so no trespassing please, ask first, or we will all get a bad name!

Once again Great Find, Have a great day, Happy Snappin’ Darren J Callesen ===============================

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