Night Parrot related tweet

Anyone know anything about this? Just tweeted by @DesertlifeAus:

“@ConservResearch: Massive rumour from Oz-videos & photos of NIGHT PARROT have been analysed and a recovery/management plan is being prepared. Go Steve Murphy”

Cheers Steve Clark Hamilton, Vic ===============================

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2 comments to Night Parrot related tweet

  • "Mike Carter"

    Well if not the bird you may be able to see a picture in this weekends ‘Australian’ newspaper. I hear that John Young has video and feathers from SW Queensland. There is a separate report of Night Parrots seen feeding on an eremophila bush in a reserve in the Pilbara!

    Mike Carter 30 Canadian Bay Road Mount Eliza VIC 3930 Tel (03) 9787 7136

  • Ian May

    Yes but seeing one is believing.

    Steve wrote:


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