Night Parrot & John Young has done it.

This distraction was not of my making. I had no intention of entering the fray but a few people could not resist the temptation to drag up the past and assume that this wonderful discovery by John Young somehow atones for all in the past. Their gratuitous remarks required a response. You are dead right when you say that “some people just can’t help themselves”, but look to your mates on that score.

As for the Night Parrot, I agree with all that you say. It is a wonderful discovery and John Young deserves enormous credit for it. But that does not erase the past, and the record speaks for itself.

Greg Roberts

From: Ian May [] Sent: Sunday, 30 June 2013 5:39 PM To: Greg Roberts Cc: birding-aus Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] Night Parrot & John Young has done it.

This detraction of John Young is incomprehensible and I have to question why such a post was not moderated and removed from the list. It seems that some people just can’t help themselves. The way I see it, the slur against John is generated mainly by one person with a personal vendetta against him and who, as a self proclaimed journalist, is using the poisoning influence of his pen to draw ill informed observers into supporting his view. The victimisation against John under any circumstances on this forum is shameful.

There should be no detraction from the significance of this Night Parrot discovery. It is the greatest Australian ornithological find that has happened in my life time and John Young has done it. With limited information known about the subject, he intentionally targeted the species, and then searched relentlessly for years under the most difficult of conditions. He persevered where many others would have given up and through sheer determination; he eventually found live wild birds. There was no dumb luck associated with this discovery. It is a testimonial to his generosity and stoic character that after all the intentional denigration, that he could or should ever consider sharing his information.

This monumental achievement is all in a class of its own.

Ian May St Helens, Tasmania


Greg Roberts wrote:

It is a pity that the well-deserved accolades being heaped on John Young for his Night Parrot discovery are tempered by the sort of reference we see here from Geoff.

For the record, there were sound reasons for raising serious doubts about some of John’s previous pronouncements, most notably his claim to have discovered a new species of fig-parrot. I won’t go over old ground but those reasons are detailed here: I invite anyone with a dispassionate interest in that affair to carefully consider the facts. I raise this matter now only because Geoff, Lloyd and others have done so in a derogatory way.

It is not a case of “eating humble pie”. I and other critics have always admired John’s considerable expertise in the field and I made that point at the time. John Young is a bushman and birder par excellence and that has never been in doubt in my view. What was always a puzzle to many of us was why some of these ploys of times past ever came into play.

I have no doubts about his current Night Parrot record and congratulate him warmly on his exciting discovery. But be assured that the circumstances surrounding this discovery are a world away from other matters I have referred to.

Message: 11

Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 10:22:42 +1000

From: “Geoff Jones”


Subject: [Birding-Aus] Night Parrot

Message-ID: <000f01ce745e$c6dd41e0$5497c5a0$>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”us-ascii”

Congratulations to John Young Maybe a lot of his detractors will grovel and

eat humble pie now !


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