Mulgoa birds

Hi All. Have had some unusual sightings over the last week in Mulgoa Valley in the vicinity of Mayfair Rd. A single SEA EAGLE near a dam on the E side of Mulgoa Rd near the Waste Services, a PAINTED BUTTON QUAIL crossing Mayfair Rd about half way up the hill, nesting KING PARROTS with cheeping young in a branch hollow on Mulgoa Creek, the resident pair of JACKY WINTERS at the top of Mayfair and a single on Mulgoa Creek, ROSE ROBIN on the creek, a lone WHITE-PLUMED HONEYEATER, rarely sighted here, feeding on banksias in a planted native garden, BOOBOOK OWL on the drive. Plus the usual thirty odd spp ranging from Sparrowhawk through House Sparrows, Australasian Grebes, Moorhens and Purple Gallinules, Cattle Egrets, to Satin Bowerbirds, and an occasional FANTAILED CUCKOO calling. Pied Currawongs making a terrible mess with regurgitated White Cedar berries. Cheers Michael

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