G’day all
The Morepork that I first found in my garden (‘roasting’ in a dense tree as the birdlife Australia-Hamilton newsletter put it) on 2 June was still there yesterday. It wasn’t seen today but has disappeared for a few days before – before coming back to one of two regular trees. It’s been a pleasure showing it to local and visiting birders.
Yesterday two birders drove up from Melbourne just to see it and spent about an hour with cameras and scopes trained on it. It has become used to people now and barely raises an eyelid when we stand under it and gawk – so hard to see the yellow eyes. With my permission a brief burst of the ‘mopoke’ call from the Morecombe app was played with the hope that the bird would open it’s eyes. There was a total lack of reaction.
Jenny and I are not going to be around for a couple of weeks (an East Timor holiday beckons) but if it is still around in mid July I’ll let people know and visitors are welcome as long as they spend a few $ in Hamilton before they head home.
Cheers Steve Clark Hamilton, Vic
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