Mixed news about Cassowaries

It has been an uneven few days here at Cassowary House, Kuranda- we had
great excitement on Mar 26 when a new female appeared in our car park, and
was quite interested in what we were doing, a good sign and replacing the
big female we so sadly lost last October. Breeding season approaches so it
is great to have a potential mate again.
Mar 27 we had the male and the six and a half month old chick coming in,
the chick being as usual very inquisitive- when i am clearing plants it
would often come and watch what i was doing, watched i indulgently by the
parent. I even made a video of them today, little knowing it would be my
last chance of the two.

That afternoon the male came back alone and clearly distressed, he was
circling the house and looking for his chick, so we knew something was

This morning Mar 29 on my bird walk with guests, I made the upsetting
discovery of the dead chick by the roadside just above the bend, another
victim of a no doubt speeding car. Such a waste, but when you have no speed
limits enforced on dirt roads in the wet tropics, inevitable.

Phil & Sue Gregory
www. cassowary-house.com.au

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