missing migrants)

G’day Mike and Birding Oz,

I have two records of White-throated Needletails for the season so far, both from here at Boggy Creek, west of Bellingen in northern NSW:

20 birds at dusk on October 5th (coinciding with a winged termite emergence)

50 birds in late afternoon on October 24th (possibly including some Fork-tailed Swifts, but all the birds I got a good look at were WTNTs)


Message: 11 Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2010 07:38:36 +1100 From: Michael Tarburton Subject: [Birding-Aus] re: missing migrants To: Birding Aus Message-ID: <470E61A9-63BB-4C4A-96A6-C31C0BB6DC4D@optusnet.com.au> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=US-ASCII;    delsp=yes;    format=flowed

Morning all birders on Birding-Aus

It was interesting to get back from a pelagic out of Eden to catch up  on this thread.  It was even more interesting to see that no one  mentioned Fork-tailed Swifts or White-throated Needletails.

I have received sightings of FTS from WA, NT, & Qld, but apart from a  probable wintering bird, I have only heard of  a dribble of WTNT from  Qld.  Nothing from NSW.  Data to hand clearly show a significant  decline for the later species Australia-wide.

The good news is that on Wednesday I saw 2 WTNT at Thurra River Rest  Area (11 km E of Cann R. Vic).  I watched all day at this reliable  site but that is all I saw.  I also spent a day and a bit at Yellow  Pinch Dam Rest Area (W of Merimbula, NSW) –  a fairly reliable site  but scored zero.

So they have reached Vic but not NSW?

As usual all sightings sent to me will be acknowledged & appreciated.

Cheers & Happy Birding


=================== Michael Tarburton tarburton.m@optusnet.com.au ===================

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