Pied Currawong on Cape York

Has anyone looked at the systematics of the Pied Currawong on the cape? I spent time watching them last week and their flight seemed (at least to me) more laborious than those farther south. Is this my imagination or have others noticed differences?

— Iain CampbellTropical Birding Tourswww.tropicalbirding.com . . . → Read More: Pied Currawong on Cape York

A Tawny Frogmouth In My Backyard

I’m sure some of you lucky ones see Frogmouths regularly but when one pays me a visit at night at my home I’m astounded…


Chris Shaw seashore@internode.on.net +61 409 675912


After the game, the King and the Pawn go into the same box. – Italian proverb

Birding-Aus mailing list Birding-Aus@birding-aus.org To change . . . → Read More: A Tawny Frogmouth In My Backyard

Birding-Aus Digest, Vol 95, Issue 2

Hi Phil, Were the Chowchillas reacting to you ? Have had Buff Breasted Button quail flushed then fly high back over my Head to land ~ 50 m behind, twice, separate birds, not through tree branches though. Inland from you, next to a large dam alongside the main inland road. This was a predator escape . . . → Read More: Birding-Aus Digest, Vol 95, Issue 2


I think reacting to the other group as I was not unduly close. maybe the combination of us plus the problems with the other group proved too much! Usually they would scuttle away or fly low down very short distances, This was a very atypical behaviour. Phil Gregory oreornis@gmail.com ornithological writer/tour leader/tour facilitator Field Guides . . . → Read More: Chowchillas

Chowchillas odd behaviour

I had an odd thing happen Aug 30 at Lake Barrine- we walked towards where some Chowchillas were calling and suddenly 3 appeared flying quite high overhead and darting through some branches in a large tree maybe 15-20 m up; they may have doubled back round as they began calling again not too long . . . → Read More: Chowchillas odd behaviour

Aggressive Crested pigeons.

Hi All. Rainbow Lorikeets are tough, will see off SC Cockatoos, Noisy Miners, even butcherbirds. But Crested Pigeons show no mercy toward the lorikeets when squabbling over food. They sidle up to the lorikeet, rapidly flap their wing three or four times, hitting the lorikeet, and the lorikeet moves off.. otherwise the CP chases and . . . → Read More: Aggressive Crested pigeons.

Red-necked avocet

Hi there… Quick question… Has anyone seen Red-necked avocets one the Tweed Heads vicinity or region???

Thanks Kirri 😊

Sent from my iPhone

Birding-Aus mailing list Birding-Aus@birding-aus.org To change settings or unsubscribe visit: birding-aus.org/mailman/listinfo/birding-aus_birding-aus.org


I am arranging two birding trips through Trogon Tours to Argentina next year and am keen for other birders to join me to lower the cost even further. 1. NW and NE Argentina 24 days from about September 20, 2022: about $Au10,000, plus two relatively cheap domestic airfares. Very good price. Starting in Cordoba, ending . . . → Read More: Argentina


Hi all.

Here in Mulgoa Valley we have had an irruption of Superb Fairy Wrens over the last few weeks, Almost all “brown birds”, one male in eclipse plumage, one in full breeding garb. I watched two brown birds in what looked like mortal combat, the victim spread eagled under the attacker who would not . . . → Read More: Fairywrens

H only

Common Bronzewing calling here all evening so far – deep, slow, spaced: oom oom oom …Falls silent if we go out = close to the house? & the sound penetrating the wooden building. No sighting of the species here since records began in 1997. One similar record found online, from WA— https://www.birdsinbackyards.net/forum/Night-time-hooting-Perth-region-what-owl Judith SEQ 500m . . . → Read More: H only