Masked & Barn Owl identification

Hi David,

It took me a while to confirm our resident Tytos were Masked.

I’ve seen many Barn Owls here & in UK. I’ve only seen one locally, handled a stunned bird from the Highway here, it is the only Barn Owl casualty I’ve found in 10 years, with several roadkill Masked Owls, allowing easy inspection. As you suggested, it is my experience with Barn Owls that helped me identify these birds, they are obviously larger, occupying more forested habitat than the open country preferred by Barn Owls.

I’ve confirmed Masked with close spotlight views several times, one of which had a Bandicoot in its talons, allowing good size judgment. The size and contents of pellets helped too.

I’ve often seen Barn in twilight, even daylight, but never Masked.

Barn Owls appear to me to have a slower, almost “floating” flight attitude when hunting, slower than Masked and distinctly “Butterfly-like”. Masked Owls seem more powerful and direct in flight, like comparing the powerful flight of a Peregrine to a Kestrel. The Barns I’ve seen are paler, like a giant ghostly moth, particularly in car headlights, and less “chunky”. In crude terms, Barns look “cute” compared to Masked, which appear “brutal”, like a Barn Owl on steroids.

The proportions of the birds seem to differ too, if views allow, like comparing Brown Gos with Col Sparrowhawk, not easy.

If you can find any pellets they may indicate size and prey species, which would indicate the likely candidate.

The difference in call has become more obvious to me with experience too. Masked Owls are harsher & louder.

They’re not easy and require decent views, although I find them quite distinctly different now I’ve had more experience, hope you get a conclusion.

Simon Clayton


Birdrangers, Gibraltar Reserve

Cangai, NSW, 2460


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