Mallee Emuwren, US National Parks

Does anyone know whether Mallee Emu-wrens have survived the fires ?

We toured California for a month just before their recent disastrous bush fires, some involving State and National Parks. California has more of these than any other State by far, and an extremely well developed Conservation ethic.

Trump has allowed commercialisation of National (not State)
Parks, eg logging. This travesty is being challenged in the Courts and hopefully will be reversed , or delayed until the advent of a more sympathetic Administration, although that looks like being a long way off.

We didn’t hear much about prophylactic burning, which would be patently impossible in say the Redwood Forests, and unsafe in the areas of recent conflagration, with loss of eight hundred houses in one report as proving the point.
Legal liability is a powerful deterrent. In Australia as well as in the USA.

The Californian Maquis type scrub needs occasional burning, probably is deliberately lit from time to time, I don’t really know.

The US in practice does not have all the answers, and our Fire Services are well up there with them.

To suggest that the whole of say East Gippsland or other usually high rainfall areas of Eastern Australia should have been regularly back burned is nonsensical, as is the concept of the Indigenous population having done so in those areas, (as opposed to the monsoonal North of Oz).

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