Lord Howe Island Song Thrush

Hi All, In 2007, I recorded a pair of song thrush under a large banyan tree, near the roadway in front of the Milky Way Apartments, where we were staying. This was my only sighting of song thrush ion the island. We returned for another stay on Lord Howe last week, this time at Leanda Lei, some distance away. After 3 days, I had not seen a song thrush, so decided to try the old spot near Milky Way. Within 30 seconds a song thrush emerged almost at my feet. So, if you are birding Lord Howe and stuck for song thrush, then try the banyan in front of Milky Way Apartments. It was very windy throughout our stay, and all boat trips were cancelled – including most within the lagoon. No trips to Balls Pyramid and no Round the Island cruises. Carl Weber

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