Always read the fine print. Insurers are only bookies and they won’t give you anything but odds-on for something that is a sure thing. Those people who thought they had flood cover, invariably had not read their policies thoroughly. No insurer will give cover for floods if you live on a flood plain. Insurers are companies whose business to make money for their shareholders, not charities. I have just travelled through a potential war zone and I would not have expected my travel insurance provider to cover me if the brown stuff had really hit the fan. It was my decision to travel there and I knew the risks and so was prepared to wear the possible consequences.
Carl Clifford
On 07/03/2011, at 12:42 PM, Tony Russel wrote:
Yeah well, just slinging off. I did have a problem with a travel insurer who wouldn’t cover lost/damaged baggage when I went to Norfolk Is , and with another who wouldn’t cover gear stolen from a car in Qld. – luckily not my optical gear which I carried with me. When I got home I asked my insurer what did I have to do to cover expensive optical and electronic gear lost anywhere in Australia , at home, away from home, taken from cars, motels etc etc. No problem they told me, just specify the equipment, makes, models, serial numbers, replacement values etc, and we’ll charge you an extra $120 on your already exorbitant premium and you’ve got full cover. Fine, I took it up to be safe. What annoys me though is that insurers carefully let you think you’ve got cover and you only find that you haven’t once you try to make a claim, just like all the victims who thought they had flood cover recently.