Some awkward comment on a global crisis. I had been waiting for an opportunity to write a message like this when I did see a reasonable size flock of ravens about 3 weeks ago whilst driving near home. I don’t know which species. I thought will I / won’t I make the pun. I am sort of surprised no one else has. So now the opportunity has arisen from the other hemisphere (the email bird chat line in Los Angeles California).




From: Philip Veerman [Some awkward comment on a global crisis. I had been waiting for an opportunity to write a message like this when I did see a reasonable size flock of ravens about 3 weeks ago whilst driving near home. I don’t know which species. I thought will I / won’t I make the pun. I am sort of surprised no one else has. So now the opportunity has arisen from the other hemisphere (the email bird chat line in Los Angeles California).





Today I had a "murder" of crows fly over my 3rd floor condo unit. I counted and found 19 birds in that flock. Does this "CORVID 19" constitute another pandemic arising of avian origin?


Stay well, safe and keep laughing.


Irwin Woldman

Studio City


Website: https://groups.io/g/LACoBirds/


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