Hybrid Lorikeet? (and tern) at Ricketts Point

Hi Ian

THE Arctic Tern was seen there on 23,24,25 and 26 October (mainly in the afternoon and most recently by me!). And there have been Common Terns on 21st and 25th (and possibly 26th) and White-fronted on 25 and 26.

Your pic is certainly not THE Arctic Tern because of the plumage (and I think not an Arctic from the shape of the bill…) but I couldn’t really tell whether it was a Common or White-fronted. I suspect the latter because of the light upper edge of the primaries – but that could be a trick of the light.

Scaly-breasted and Rainbow Lorikeets have been hybridising at Ricketts Point for at least 16 years as there was a nice article by Moira Longden about “the odd couple” in a 1994 Bird Observer. So there are sometimes ones that look like one-quarter Scaly…..

Michael Norris Bayside Friends of Native Wildlife

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