Harding Dam Mystery Bird

Hi All,

Well, restrictions are easing for some of us and that is welcome. The last mystery bird was indeed a White-breasted Whistler although I never heard one of them whistle.

This week we have either one bird or maybe two different birds that I saw from time to time below the dam wall in the Pilbara at Harding Dam. They were always so fast when flying before hiding so completely among the reeds that it was difficult enough to get the binoculars on them let alone take a photo. So the more difficult one is out of focus which adds to the puzzle. Personally I can’t identify it so would appreciate your comments.

Thanks again for your replies so far and here is the link:

PS: Do Great-crested Grebes prefer deep clear water?

Chris Shaw
+61 409 675912

Experts possess more data than judgment.
COLIN POWELL, attributed, Doing Business in the New Latin America

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