HANZAB Vol 7 & Black-winged Monarch

Well, there I was researching Black-winged Monarch and wanting to check if there are actually any migrant records of M. f. canescens from Torres Strait as there seem to be none in PNG, so I haul out the trusty HANZAB, see the plate with the requisite monarchs, then find my copy is missing pp 41-56 which naturally includes the Black-winged Monarch data! Was this a common fault or I have I just got an odd duff copy? I know there were errata with plate captions but I sure don’t recall a major fault like this one emerging at the time? I’ll get back to Andrew Isles and see if we can rectify the problem. Meantime, can some kind soul let me know (off list) what HANZAB has to say about Black-winged Monarchs from Torres Strait islands? Thanks Phil Gregory



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