Fwd: Birdline Australian Capital Territory Weekly Update

Birdline Australian Capital Territory Published sightings for the week ending 12 Jan 2014. Fri 10 Jan Australian Spotted Crake southern end Kellys Swamp Feeding with Buff-banded Rail Ian Fraser Thu 9 Jan Glossy Ibis Turf Farm Puddle, Monaro Hwy, Fyshwick A single glossy ibis this evening at the Turf Farm Puddle. Not mixing with the 10 Straw-necked ibises. Vivien Rolland Buff-banded Rail; Little Grassbird; Stubble Quail Kellys Swamp Rail and grassbird feeding on mud; Stubble Quail in phalaris at the southern end of the swamp Ian Fraser Wed 8 Jan Little Eagle Macgregor One circling over suburb close to Umbagong District Park (along Ginninderra Creek) Lucy Wenger Yellow-billed Spoonbill West Belconnen ponds Yellow-billed Spoonbill (1) On the tip of one of the islands. Was nervous when I was moving on my bike, despite me being some distance away from it on the shore. Photos taken. Julian Teh Tue 7 Jan Rainbow Lorikeet Australian National University At 9am, 2 vocally active Rainbow Lorikeets flew over the entrance of the ANU at the intersection of Barry Dr. and North Rd. According to Eremaea, this is the first record of Rainbow Lorikeets at the Australian National University. Vivien Rolland Mon 6 Jan Glossy Ibis, Australian Painted-snipe, Spotless Crake, Yellow-billed Spoonbill Kellys Swamp & Jerrabomberra Wetlands, Fyshwick Around 8pm 1 Glossy Ibis was visible in front of bittern hide, 1 male Australian Painted snipe and 1 Spotless crake were visible between bittern hide and cygnus hide and 4 Yellow-billed spoonbills were present on the main pond, in front of cygnus hide. Vivien Rolland Red-necked Avocet Fyshwick Sewage Treatment Plant The 18 birds reported in the afternoon were still visible from the road at 8pm. Vivien Rolland Singing Honeyeater West Belconnen ponds 1 vocally active Singing honeyeater on the NE side of the ponds. No trace of the female Black honeyeater reported yesterday. Vivien Rolland Long-billed Corella Cnr of Captain Cook Cres and Canberra Ave, Griffith Five Long-billed Corellas feeding alongside Galahs at 19.45. Karo Fritzsche, Jono Henshaw and Dan Hoops Birdline Australian Capital Territory is hosted by Eremaea Birds. _______________________________________________ Birding-Aus mailing list Birding-Aus@birding-aus.org To change settings or unsubscribe visit: http://birding-aus.org/mailman/listinfo/birding-aus_birding-aus.org

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