Fwd: [ACSA] Bathing Birds is published!

Hi folks
An interesting paper regarding bird baths and the use of citizen science to collect data.

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Grainne Cleary < g.cleary@deakin.edu.au>
> Subject: [ACSA] Bathing Birds is published!
> Date: 17 March 2016 3:21:27 pm AEDT
> To: “
mailman@citizenscience.org.au” < mailman@citizenscience.org.au>
> Hi All – We have just had our paper on birds using bird baths in Australia using citizen science data published in Plus One. We sent a copy of our paper to all our registered citizen scientists and had the best feedback from them regarding the successful publication. See attached for our paper.
> Grá
> Dr Gráinne Cleary
> Casual Research Fellow
> School of Life and Environmental Sciences,
> Faculty of Science, Engineering & Built Environment
> Deakin University
> Melbourne Burwood Campus, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood, VIC 3125
> ​
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