FW: Socioeconomic impact of vagrant Aleutian Terns in Australia

Our list server seems to be having trouble getting some emails to the list, so I’m trying forwarding them manually.

Peter Shute

—–Original Message—–
From: Corey Callaghan [newsroom.unsw.edu.au/news/science-tech/bird-bush-worth-223851-hand.

Luckily, the Aleutian Terns first found at Old Bar by Liam Murphy have been long-staying and obliging for many Australian birders. Richard Kingsford, Ian Benson, myself, and others are interested in quantifying the socioeconomic impact of the long-staying Aleutian Terns at Old Bar, NSW.

We are using a survey to collect sociodemographic variables of birders who went to see the birds.

The link is here: goo.gl/forms/OS41U2VLlimvS3Hw1

I ask that if you saw the terns at Old Bar if you would please consider taking the survey. It only takes less than 10 minutes and is completely anonymous. It would certainly help my research! Further, please share with your birding networks, as we hope to capture as many people as possible who went and saw the birds.

Any questions, feel free to email me at c.callaghan@unsw.edu.au c.callaghan@unsw.edu.au> .

Thank you in advance!


P.S. I thank those who have already seen and partook in the survey!

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