Freckled Ducks and Baillon’s Crakes in Alice Springs

G’day folks,

Central Australia is still going bonkers with great birds at the moment.

This week we had a Freckled Duck at the poo ponds, then two, then three. Where will it end? The Orange Chats are still around in decent numbers at the poo ponds and several folks have had great views of Baillon’s Crakes around the ponds as well.

A few visitors have been having success with Grey Honeyeaters at their (sometimes) usual haunt around the Hamilton Downs Youth Camp Road, but some very large fires have gone through this area over the weekend. The fires were contained to the southern side of the Tanami Road, so perhaps some suitable habitat will remain further west or perhaps on the north side of the road.

I have put a few of the latest highlights on the blog;


Chris Watson Alice Springs ===============================

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