Shorebirds Research: Calling for Expressions of Interest in PhD studentship Edith Cowan University
The feeding ecology and habitat use of migratory and other shorebirds.
This PhD project will investigate the feeding ecology and habitat use of migratory and other shorebirds utilising Dampier Salt operations. The focus will be on habitat selection, feeding behaviour and foraging resources present at the salt sites and how these are influenced by, or related to Dampier Salt operations. This will be in a comparative context with other important shorebird sites in the region. This work will provide information to assist in the management of the salt works to minimise negative impacts on shorebirds or enhance the use of the site by shorebirds.
North-western Australia is a critical stage of the East Asia- Australasia Flyway for migratory and other shorebirds and when in Australia, shorebirds spend their time feeding to put on enough mass to allow migration to the Arctic, and subsequent breeding. Despite the importance of Australian staging sites for shorebirds, very little is known about the food preferences, energetic values, food availability and bird foraging ecology, nor are we in a position to determine the relative importance of human-modified salt work systems for these ecological and biological features.
Where appropriate, the project participants will seek to share information with Birds Australia’s ‘Shorebirds 2020’ project and provide scope for Birds Australia WA volunteers.
Application details:
The successful applicant will be expected to apply for an Australian Postgraduate Award Scholarship and if successful will be eligible to receive a scholarship top-up of up to $15,000 per year (for 3 years). Travel, analytical and equipment expenses will also be covered.
The project is supported by Dampier Salt Ltd (a subsidiary of RioTinto).
Interested applicants should contact Dr Rob Davis ( ) or Assoc. Prof. Pierre Horwitz ( for details.
Expressions of Interest (including a CV) must be received no later than 30th March 2011.
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