Hi all,
Sorry for this late correction. There was some discussion about one of the Shy-type albatross during Hal Epstein’s Sydney pelagic (13th August – not sure if the report of this excellent trip was sent out). There were a total of at least three juv. Shy-type Albatross during the trip. Initially, I called one bird a young Shy-type. Then due to a number of reasons – very dark head with paler forehead and throat, very dark mantle, very extensive blackish (albeit not perfectly “dipped in ink”) primary tips, smudgy leading edge of the “hand” – I got confused and thought that it might be a young Salvin’s instead. For a number of reasons – mainly the not perfect primary tips and the lack of the smudgy leading edge of the “arm” – we then decided that it was a JUV. WHITE-CAPPED ALBATROSS (as the other two), but this one with exceptionally extensive black primary tips. See also discussion on the SOSSA website: http://www.sossa-international.org/forum/showthread.php?49-Shy-White-capped-Salvin-s
Raja’s pictures of this and the two other birds (possibly also juv. “White-capped”) here: http://www.adarman.com/Pelagics/2011-August-13-Sydney-Pelagic/18525451_4CF4hR#1430019402_PC4cw7j (Now all labeled “White-capped”)
Here, some of Raja’s photos of “real” Salvin’s from either side of the Tasman Sea:http://www.adarman.com/Birds/Albatross/Salvins-Albatross/16202666_9gLma#918657671_TyZk6