David James wrote:
Mike, there we go, Peter is a steel trap, unlike me. Bet he would remember looking at Harper & Kinsky 1st ed too and what you had for lunch! seems like Reid & James was a pretty lousy review of Australian records but a good review of Tasmania records, only 1 shy (ha ha). So between your list and James & Reid there are 8 records, excluding the 1985 gong bird and the “later” record. Then there are Batemans Bay Aug 1999, Gong July 2002, Sydney Aug 2002 and Eagle Hawk Neck Sep 2011. 12-14 records, by my reckoning. Any more? Yes David, Wollongong, August 22 1999, as per my previous post. So I guess it’s an occasional/accidental vagrant in Australia, but nonetheless a great bird to see at any time!
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