changes in status of south-east Queensland birds between 1979 and 2019

Here is the sixth and final
post demonstrating changes in the status and distribution of birds in
South-east Queensland over 40 years between 1979 – when
my booklet, The Birds of
South-East Queensland
was published – and 2019.
Some changes are doubtlessly influenced by an increased number of
observers and technological advances (especially with playback) but
many can not be explained by these factors. Of concern is the sharp decline in populations of several species including Red-browed Treecreeper, Eastern Bristlebird and Regent Honeyeater. A handful of others, such as Fairy Gerygone, have on the other hand increased. Some introduced birds (such as House Sparrow and Common Starling) have declined while Common Mynah has increased. More here:

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