Books for young children?

My grandson of nearly 16 months loves animals and books, and particularly books with animals.

I am hoping to influence his appreciation of, and interest in birds and I would welcome any suggestions for bird books for young children



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1 comment to Books for young children?

  • Tim Dolby

    Hi David,

    Although not specifically bird orientated, a book that works well for me and my two young sons is called Animals of the World by Garry Fleming. It’s a very large sturdy book (an elephant folio), and covers different regions such as Australasia, Africa, Antarctica and Arctic, etc. Its large size and excellent images really engages young children.

    It’s available from Five Mile Press – see, and I’ve also noticed that it’s on Amazon for $2.21, see



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    My grandson of nearly 16 months loves animals and books, and particularly books with animals.

    I am hoping to influence his appreciation of, and interest in birds and I would welcome any suggestions for bird books for young children



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