Birdsville track sightings

Hi all, Spent a few days up the Birdsville track late last week and recorded some great birds. Black-breasted Buzzard (2), Black Falcon (2), Eyrean (2) and Grey (10) Grasswrens, Gibberbird, Banded Whiteface, Red-browed Pardalote, Cinnamon Quail-thrush (40!) and almost 3,000 Flock Bronzewings. As part of this trip we spent a day surveying Cowarie Station where most of the best sightings were made (full list on Eremaea). This place is accessible to the public by prior arrangements and well worth it. Contact me for more information and/or details of future trips. On the way back we pulled in at Mt Lyndhurst Station where Chestnut-breasted Whiteface and Thick-billed Grasswren performed on cue. cheers Peter

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