Hi birders,
At the risk of being accused of shameless self-promotion, Ruth and I are giving a talk at the Birds Australia (Victoria) meeting this Thursday evening on our 2010 Victorian Big Year. We had 12 months of incredible birding, we birded the length and breadth of Victoria and shared our experiences with loads of birders. If you’re interested in coming along to find out how we went during the year, you would be most welcome. Even if you’re not a mad lister like we are, we had so many adventures and got ourselves into all sorts of trouble along the way, and hopefully there’s something in that to interest everybody.
Details of the location and the talk are below.
Paul Dodd
Docklands, Victoria
From: Birds Australia Membership [mailto:membership@birdsaustralia.com.au] Sent: Friday, 4 March 2011 5:32 PM To: membership@birdsaustralia.com.au Subject: BA VIC e-News 4 March 2011