G’day all,
I have today returned to Cairns after a fantastic Southern Ocean & Bass Strait yachting trip with Simon Mustoe from 5/02-10/02/13.
I will let Simon post details of this trip onto this list at a later date, but I will say now that we did record 2 interesting species on King island on 09/02/13.
The first was a 100% definite Beautiful Firetail on the track down to the Calcified Forest in the Seal Rocks Reserve in the far south-west corner of the island. We did not see the bird, but we are in no doubt whatsoever that this species was what we heard very closeby (approx 10metres away), calling for at least 5 minutes. Another bird was heard a little distant from here as well at the same time. Both Simon & I are extremely familiar with this bird & it’s calls – however in HANZAB it is stated that Beautiful Firetail does not occur on King Island. …well, it does now!!
The other record was of less significance, but still of some interest… a single Common Myna was seen briefly in the township of Currie on the west coast of the island – HANZAB doesn’t state any records of this species on the island, although it does mention the odd record in northern Tasmania.
I’m not sure how extensively the thicket areas of the Seal Bay area have been surveyed, but it does appear that the Beautiful Firetail has been overlooked in the past as occuring there.
Does any one else here on the list have any records of either species from King Island??
Cheers for now,
Martin Cachard Cairns
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